Welcome to
St. Joseph Orthodox Church
412 Crescent St.
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Welcome to St. Joseph’s Orthodox Christian Church in Wheaton, Illinois. We’re a parish of the Orthodox Church in America, Diocese of the Midwest.
St. Joseph’s Church was established by a small group of faithful in March 1989. After meeting for five years in rented facilities, the present site was purchased from the DuPage AME Church. The present church was built in 1999. The community is dedicated to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, stewardship, and discipleship.
Join Us in Prayer
Our Location:
412 Crescent St., Wheaton, IL 60187
Get Directions
Contact Rev. John Segvich, Rector:
(312) 519-6657
Call to register as a parishioner, initiate instruction in the faith, schedule sacraments, visitations, etc.
Our Services
Live-Streaming Services
Most services, as indicated with a “play button” ▶️, are streamed live on our YouTube page: @StJosephChurchWheaton
American Sign Language (ASL) Services
Services listed with an “ASL icon” 𝕒𝕤𝕝, indicate that an ASL signer is available live in our church.
Quiet Prayer
On most Tuesdays, from 11 am - 1 pm, the church is open for quiet prayer and meditation. A priest is available for pastoral counseling or confession. Please check the calendar for changes.
Our Services
Live-Streaming Services
Most services, as indicated with a “play button” ▶, are streamed live on our YouTube page: @StJosephChurchWheaton
American Sign Language (ASL) Services
Services listed with an “ASL icon” 𝕒𝕤𝕝, indicate that an ASL signer is available live in our church.
Quiet Prayer
On many Tuesdays, from 11 am - 1 pm, the church is open for quiet prayer and meditation. A priest is available for pastoral counseling or confession. Please check the calendar for changes.
The latest information on church activities can also be found on our Facebook page:
First Visit
Greeters at the door can show you where to go and answer your questions.
Our children stay with us during the service, and your children are also welcome.
The Divine Liturgy is the main Sunday morning service. It starts at 9:45 AM, although a reader is already chanting a preliminary service, the Hours, as the congregation enters.
For our friends and visitors who are not Orthodox, please note that the Orthodox Church has specific disciplines regarding receiving Communion. Only baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves should approach the chalice. In general, this preparation, in consultation with one’s Father Confessor, would include fasting from food and drink since the night before and going to Confession periodically.
Learn More
Our founding priest and pastor emeritus, Fr. John Matusiak, wrote extensively on matters involving theology, Christian life, dialogue with other Christians, and many other topics on the Questions & Answers page of the Orthodox Church of America website, oca.org.
Browse his answers to many questions and submit a question of your own about the Orthodox Church. You’re also welcome to bring your questions to a priest after a service.